Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Walk and an Apple

Here's an idea. It's free, it's relaxing, and it's refreshing. GO FOR A WALK!! when ever I feel a little sluggish or grumpy a walk always does me good. No not on the treadmill but outside. I love going outside and breathing the clean crisp air in the mornings. There's something about it that just gets my day going right! Here's idea #2. EAT AN APPLE. Yes this one does cost but not much. I was told that I am insulin resistant and that my body would not react as bad to sugar in an apple as sugar in other fruits. So I guess the old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." in my case is right. I found that when I get those snacky cravings if I ate an apple and drank a glass of water the craving went away.
So try it! One apple and one walk. That's easy enough right?


  1. I think I am going to do that right now! ;)

  2. I love my daily walks... I only wish Wisconsin weather would cooperate a bit more. It would be okay if it were just me, but my son is just two and chills easily. You can bet I'll be back out the next time it's over 45F out!


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