Monday, October 8, 2012

Totally Pink

OK, as I mentioned earlier we just bought a new house. The gentlemen that we bought the house from left a few things behind.  Not sure if you can see this well but the white piece of furniture with the sweaters on it is my DIY project.  

My mother always taught me that if it was sturdy it was useful! This piece is sturdy so it became useful.  Somehow my daughter ended up with out a dresser for her room and in desperate need of one. So this was washed and put into her room as a "dresser" much to her dismay!!

My daughter, being much like her mother, persisted to ask when we were going to design her room. I would tell her as soon as you decide how you want to decorate. She would come back with this and that but nothing that was really plausible. Then she and her Aunt got together and decided that pink and zebra was the way to go.  I thought this would be like all the others and just be a thought for the day but she stuck with it.  This is what color she choose. I'm not sure if she could have gotten a pinker PINK!!

Now I did as I was told at the store and cleaned the area of all debri and then I started spraying. To get the right coverage it took almost four cans of spray paint. I used the Krylon spraypaint. So far I'm pretty happy with it but it has scuffed in a few places so I will be going back and touching up and then spraying with a clear protective topcoat. (I'll let you know how it goes)    

She then asked if we could paint her lamp to match. I looked at the sticker covered base and the drawn on shade and figured why not! It couldn't make it look any worse. So here it is. I think it turned out pretty good. The shade was interesting to spray since the paint would pick up the fibers but turned out good.

Now to get to the GONE WRONG part. I know that spraypaint  doesn't stay in one place after being sprayed so I put newspaper down so I could save my garage. Well I will now warn you that you should newspaper everything or put cardboard boxes up as a sheild becasue THIS is what it did to my garage!

Even the Cobwebs are PINK!

So please don't end up with a Pink garage. Use cardboard or newspaper and save yourself from having to explain how your great DIY project turned your garage pink!

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